Wednesday, March 27, 2013
WIP 3/27 a quiet moment
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
the professional tote - great bag!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
the hiker
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Happy #nqdsi!
It's international sewing day, I have the day off and the quilt show has opened up most of its shows to all for free! There is a sew in on twitter #nqdsi to share in all the quilty fun you may be having today and quilting Jenny is having a giveaway so I'm chiming in with a copy of my "welcome my little chickadee pattern" to a random commenter. Tell me what you are doing quilt - wise today - and yes fabric shopping and quilt show watching counts ;-)
I just watched episode 111 with Ann Fahl on the quilt show. If you are a cat lover you MUST watch it. Go to the quilt show here to sign up for the free week end.
Even Summer (the sweet) is mesmerized by Alex and Ricky
I'll be working on quilting this. Yesterday my machine was fighting me all the way but last night I don't know what happened (the quilt demons must have left the building) but now she's purring right along.
Quilt on!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
WIP 3/13/13
I can't take credit for this beauty - my mom is working on it on her camping trip no less.
Hand appliqué and hand quilted - nicely done :-)
Must be nice to be retired and be camping snowbirds in the winter - some day I'll get there.
Me, I've been spending the last few days fixing a big mistake above. I decided to try to make the sunrise sun with paint - WRONG!
But what the hell, ya never know until you try - it's just fabric, so I covered it all up making bigger shadows.
I think I'm going to do some quilting on it first before anything else is added -
any ideas on how to quilt this thing?
Friday, March 8, 2013
Blog Hop Party - pattern giveaway
If your new to my blog, or a follower, thanks for stopping by ;-)
Quilting Gallery is having a giveaway blog party that I'm joining in on - go here for more giveaways
My "thing" is making realistic appliqué art quilts (how's that for a mouthful)
I started out making other people's patterns, loved it and then moved on to making up my own.
Just last year I started making fuible applique patterns for sale with detailed tutorials to go along with them.

Here are two of my patterns
I'm giving away a pattern of your choice to 4 lucky winners! Go here to my craftsy pattern store to check them out. Just leave a comment telling me your favorite of the patterns and I will pick 4 names at random on March 15th and email them to you. Please be sure I can go to your profile and get your email address.
You can also get to craftsy by clicking the craftsy button and searching for landscapelady. I make alot more quilts than patterns so if you would like to check out some of the other art quilts I make go to my etsy shop here.
I also like to tweet about quilting so if you are a twitter person and like to talk about quilting, fabric, crafts and sewing - please follow me on twitter - I'm @quiltscapes there.
Proceeded to do this
Ended up with this - and since I was going for a sky and decided it looked like pink mountains
I took it apart and made it into this - pink sunrise! Yay! but lots more to do...........
Making big stones and ground / lower sky...........
This is where I ended last night .............. Can you tell where I'm going with this now?
More to do - stone tops, stone shading
and a sun focal point. How to do that? ...........hmmmmmmm
Any suggestions?
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Pink sunrise
This is better than the previous post / attempt at a pink sunrise. Thank you to Sherri and glen for the advice, I got my second wind from your comments and am on my way :-)
More to come ..........
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
I'm trying to make a sunrise sky here and something is just not working. Since I just started the process I know it will come along. What do you think, should I bag that dark purple and just stick with the pinks?
Maybe it's the red that bothers me - opinions please? The reason I thru in that red is its a challenge and that's one of the fabrics I have to use but I can use it some other way.
The sky is starting to look like mountains to me. It needs to be put up on the design wall and I need to walk and sleep on it I think.
Another long term appliqué project. I got him this far, which took awhile and now have to leave him for a rest. I have some plans though - stay tuned. Good thing I have two design walls - (one is in the bathroom) I know, weird but it works , our bathroom is one of the biggest rooms in our house and I do sit in there from time to time:-)
Last but not least, this little bear UFO I've had for awhile and want to do something with. I think I'll quilt it first then add a tree or something after. Can you see the ferns that I sun printed last summer?
If you have never tried that - you must!
Thanks for the comments and any advice on that sunrise sky -
Quilt On!