Friday, July 13, 2012

Walk pics and CRP 7/13/12


When I ride the lake Champlain ferry And get the front slot, I'm always afraid my car will fall off into the brink. Here I am cowering in my car waiting for the end.

Here are some photos from my days off morning walks this week.

Nice and cool - aaaaaaah

Lovely flowers along the path

Bee balm - looks like a 4th of July fireworks

Summer wouldn't be here without sunflowers.


  1. I love your response! Do I always say that? Your style is so cheerful! I have only been on a car ferry once. They packed the cars into the lower deck like sardines and then shooed us away to the upper decks. I don't remember where that was. Denmark, perhaps.

    1. you can continue to say that - I love to hear the cheers and input -
      they usually pack the cars on here to but this is my imagination and I can do what I want :-) I am the lone passenger on this ferry to nowhere.
